About Sports Massage

Sports Massage is the management and rehabilitation of soft tissues of the body including muscles, tendons and ligaments. It is applicable not just to sports people but to anybody wishing to guard against or recover from a soft tissue injury.

Sports Massage may:

  • Improve circulation and lymphatic flow
  • Assist in the removal of metabolic waste
  • Sedate or stimulate nerve endings
  • Increase or decrease muscle tone
  • Increase or decrease muscle length
  • Remodel scar tissue when required

You do not need to be an athlete to benefit from Sports Massage. The benefits above can also help relieve many day to day problems such as repetitive strain injuries, sprains, tension and fatigue that everyone experiences. Our Sports Massage Therapists work with a great range of clients in assisting with preventive treatment and injury recovery.

Tammy Davis - Sports Masseuse

Tamsin studied Sport and Exercise Sciences at the University of Birmingham. She continued afterwards to follow her passion for athletic development at Nottingham Trent University, where she trained to become a Strength and Conditioning Coach with the University teams. During her training she discovered her passion for injury rehabilitation and corrective exercise. Tamsin now does personal training and sports massage full time.

George Gore - Sports Masseuse

George is a fully qualified graduate Sports therapist (BSc hons) from the University of Chichester. He currently works for a range of football teams including Southampton FC, Andover town FC and Southampton Sparsholt elite FC. Alongside this he works with professional fighters. His passion is to tackle anything injury related whether that be through soft tissue therapy, joint mobilisation or specific rehabilitation. His personal hobbies include football, MMA and training in the gym.

Katy Bignell - Sports Masseuse

Katy studied sports therapy at the University of Gloucestershire and graduated with honors in 2016. She has worked with professional athletes for 6 years including a national one rugby team and premiership football team AFC Bournemouth.  Katy is now working full time with AFC Wimbledon as the first team sports therapist. In her social time she likes to go out with friends, keep fit in the gym and enjoy a good series on the TV.

Carley Ford - Sports Massage Therapist

Carley gained her Sports Massage qualification in 2022 after spending 17 years working as a holistic therapist. Carley’s massage journey began on the Costa Del Sol where she trained and worked in leading luxury hotels along the coast, gaining valuable experience working with different clients. Through years of experience Carley is able to utilise her skills and techniques to help clients relieve pain, regain mobility and heal. Carley has a particular interest in Swimming and previously swam competitively for top London swimming clubs reaching National level and more recently Bracknell and Wokingham masters. With a strong passion for health and wellbeing, Carley is always looking to expand her knowledge and learn new skills to benefit her clients and always willing to adapt treatment plans for individual needs to help them reach their full potential. Being a huge believer in the benefits of wellness and Self-care, Carley strongly believes that the body has the power to heal from almost any disease, injury or illness and regularly has massages to keep her mental and physical health in check.

WINBACK Tecartherapy

Discover Winback Tecartherapy for enhanced treatments and lasting results.

Better pain management. Faster recovery. Gentler patient experience.

Therapeutic Applications:

Joint Paint
Muscle Contractures
Heavy Leg

The TECAR Winback current is a dynamic high frequency current ranging from 300 kHz to 1 MHz.

According to Dr. D'Arsonval's principle, the TECAR current causes a flow of ions through rapid electrical oscillations in the cellular environment. This induces an increase in intra- and extracellular exchanges and a diathermic effect on living tissue.

The effects of the TECAR current:

  • Biostimulation at the cellular level

  • Pain relief

  • Diathermy

Tecartherapy can be given by your Chiropractor and/or your Sports Therapist.

Not only does Tecartherapy treat aches, pains and injuries but it can provide a relaxing, no evasive, age reducing skin facial treatment. READ MORE on our Tecar Facial Treatment page.